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What's Blocking Your Performance?
John R Childress is Chairman and co-founder of PYXIS Culture Technologies Ltd. whose mission is to help Boards and senior leaders identify and mitigate hidden business risks. The unique PYXIS platform uses company data combined with culture analytics to focus on improving cyber security, safety culture, conduct risk, innovation and customer satisfaction.
Visit the PYXIS website for further information.
Linking Risk, Culture and Business Performance through analytics and ecosystem modelling

“PYXIS Culture Technologies has comprehensive experience and a unique methodology to improve cyber security culture.”
Stéphane Nappo
Cyber Security Expert & Global CISO
“PYXIS identifies the hidden cyber risks in culture, processes and technology.”
Head of Cyber Strategy,
Global FMCG Company
“The PYXIS safety culture platform continues to be very useful for us. Besides tracking our safety performance culture, we also use it as a starting point for our yearly safety strategy planning.”
Chief Operating Officer
US Electric Utility

Connect with John
If you’d like to get in touch with me about speaking, facilitating, consulting, or join my network of
Next Level Leaders,
Call +44-(0)7833493999
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