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John has spent over 40 years working with senior leadership teams to solve business challenges, deliver new strategies, lead a sustainable turnaround or capitalize on growth opportunities. Since organizations are shadows of their leaders, an aligned, focused and high performance team at the top is the foundation for excellent business performance. Custom developed, immersive and transformational workshops for the senior leadership team begins the process of solving important business challenges.
Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
One of my first consulting assignments in 1980 was to help the new senior leadership team of Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant build a safety culture following the 1979 nuclear accident.
I am proud to say that together we delivered a safety and leadership culture at TMI that lasted for 38 years, making TMI one of the safest and most productive nuclear plants in the world.
At the heart of our work was breaking down the departmental silos and establishing shared objectives and open information sharing across functions.

CNH Industrial APAC Region
The APAC region of agricultural equipment supplier CNH Industrial was formed combining 8 different country operations, each with its own GM, management team and P&L. As a group they had failed to deliver the growth and profit targets required.
The new Regional CEO worked with John to develop team alignment among this disparate group, and then build a strategy execution roadmap to support the different countries in working together and sharing resources and information.
In its second year, the APAC region delivered 50% of the corporate profit and improved customer and dealer retention and loyalty.

Organizations are shadows of their leaders . . . that's the good news and the bad news!
John's advisory and consulting work has supported numerous CEOs and senior leadership teams facing significant business challenges:
Strategy Execution
M&A Integration
Capitalizing on Growth Opportunities
Building a Strong Cyber Security Culture
Improving Safety Culture
Automotive Plant Transformation
Senior Team Alignment to Rebuild Brand

Connect with John
If you’d like to get in touch with me about speaking, facilitating, consulting, or join my network of
Next Level Leaders,
Call +44-(0)7833493999
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